Biography: I currently work as a Somali language trainer, item writer and assessor. I previously worked as an assistant lecturer at the Somali National University after my graduation before I came to UK for postgraduate TEFL training at the University of Reading. I have taught Somali at SOAS for about 3 years as a part time tutor as well as working as an interpreter, translator, Somali language item writer and Somali language literacy consultant including audio recording and broadcast activities for various organisations including Asset languages (OCR), BBC and African Educational Trust. I have also worked as a community mentor, additional learning development and ESOL tutor for adult and six form colleges in London and Leicester.
Qualifications: BA in English, Arabic, and general linguistics including Somali, Somali National University in Mogadishu, Somalia, 1988. MA in TEFL- Reading University, UK, 1992. Diploma in ELT Reading University, UK, 1991 The Further and Adult Education Teacher’s Certificate – Stage 1, City and Guilds of London Institute