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Flash cards made using Power Point - with pronunciation. Slide show the PP presentation to use it as flash cards.
This is an online activity for Italian. It is a listening comprehension.
An online activity for Italian which involves listening to a song sung by Andrea Bocelli.
An online activity on the topic of 'daily routine' - for Italian.
This is an online activity for Italian, which deals with the topic 'exam stress'.
An integrated lesson at beginners level involving images, grammar(partitives, adjectives), functional language (shopping, fruit, colours)and exercises.
Exercise: These are the replies, say or write for each reply the respective question. To practice using interrogatives and verbs.
A conversation between two friends about their holidays. Comprehension exercise + answers. Topics: holiday, food. Grammar: past tense.
A presentation with exercises and answers: modal verbs (Can,Must,Want)
Andrea Bocelli's song "Il canto della terra": listening exercise + present tense grammar exercises. Beginners.
Recipe of the Italian dessert "Tiramisù" + Grammar "si impersonal" + exercise with answers.
A presentation: Informal and formalimperative in Italian + exercises with answers. Presentazione dell`imperativo informale e formale + esercizi con risposte.
The transcript of a song + hyperlink to UTube to listen + simple fill the gap exercise.
A presentation: Past tense in Italian + short in class exercises Presentazione: passato prossimo con "essere"/"avere" + brevi esercizi in classe
An integrated Italian lesson at beginner level involving images, grammar (the articles),functional language( how to order), exercises.