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This learning object was created as part of the Archi21 Project - it is a learning resource for CLIL (Architecture and Design and Slovene language).
This learning material contains eight topics at elementary level. Key grammar patterns and vocabulary are presented in Chinese and English in the Word documents. Audio recordings are available. Vocabulary lists include 1 Nationalities and Countries, 2 Kinship terms, 3 Date and Time, 4 Hobbies and 5 Drinks and Food
This learning material contains eight topics at elementary level including 1 Greetings, 2 Introduce Yourself, 3 Family, 4 Birthday, 5 Hobbies, 6 Treat Friends to a Drink, 7 Order Drinks/Food, 8 Getting around. Key grammar patterns and vocabulary are presented in Chinese and English in the Word documents. Audio recordings are available.
How many words can you spot? Words can be two characters or three characters, vertically or horizontally. Circle the word and write down corresponding Pinyin and English meaning. Work sheet is downloadable.
This activity helps you build up your Chinese vocabulary. Words can be two characters or three characters, vertically or horizontally. Circle the word and write down corresponding Pinyin and English meaning. Work sheet is downloadable.
Some basic facts about Latvia and its language, introducing some basic vocabulary
A collection of speaking, listening and vocabulary-building exercises based on the Deutsche Welle video 'Oeko-Hauptstadt Hamburg'. Suitable for advanced (post A-level) learners of German. Answers are provided.
Chinese words: topic 'internet vocabulary'. This matches the exercise 'Reading into New China' Lesson 20.
The text in Slovak is suitable for level B2, C1, C2. It can be used to stimulate and inspire students to talk or write about cross-cultural differences or similarities in culinary art, attitudes and/or traditions.(FAVOR project)
Bingo Cards to revise or introduce vocabulary related to numbers, food, fruit and clothes. For beginners. (The FAVOR Project)
This is a Vocabulary and Phrase test, which should take around 15 - 20 minutes for students to complete. It is based on the words and phrases introduced in Unit 1 of the Studio D textbook. It includes an answer sheet.
This is a song to use to practice talking about family members. It is for use with beginner students. It can be repurposed for any language.
This is a game to practice vocabulary for food and drink. It involves teams of students making sentences about food and competing to finish first. This handout can be printed and copied to use in class. The idea is repurposable and the same game could be created for any vocabulary you wish to focus on.
This is a reusable worksheet which practises talking about sports, at a basic level. It is in French, but can be adapted for any language. Activities featured are: jumbled-up sentences and images which provide impetus for writing sentences.
This worksheet can be used with any musical tune or rhythm, to get beginner-level, or young students to practice vocabulary for different sports. It can be adapted to show any sport required, and it can be translated easily into other languages.
Created by Frances Xu, this is an interactive online activity which practices vocabulary for describing taste in Chinese. There are two different versions: drag and drop and drop down list. PLEASE NOTE: foreign characters work when file is viewed
Interactive web-based exercise in Portuguese which requires the learner to convert nouns and adjectives linked with information technology and the internet in the singular form to the plural.
Matching exercise in Portuguese which requires the learner to match various professions with their places of employment.
Interactive web-based cloze exercise in Portuguese which combines a brief account of the way changing technologies are changing the concept of the work-place with relevant vocuabulary practice.
Vocabulary and language exercise testing knowledge of irregular plurals in Portuguese, embedded in some sentences about contemporary Portugal and globalisation.
Interactive web-based quiz testing knowedge of nouns in Portuguese, their endings and genders, by selecting the correct definite article to go with an individual noun to do with nature and the environment.
Interactive web-based quiz testing knowledge of nature vocabulary in Portuguese: animal, bird and reptile species.
Interactive web-based quiz testing knowledge of nature vocabulary in Portuguese by classifying individual animals, birds, insects and fish according to their type.
Web-based interactive multiple-choice exercise in Portuguese testing knowledge of vocuabulary to do with nature: trees, birds, insects, flowers and animals.
Interactive web-based multiple-choice exercise which tests knowledge of food vocabulary in Portuguese by matching individual food items such as chocolate and yogurt with the raw ingredients they are made of.
Interactive web-based exercise in Portuguese which tests knowledge of food vocabulary by matching famous national and regional dishes in Portugal with their respective ingredients.
Interactive, web-based multiple-choice exercise testing knowledge of individual vocabulary items in Portuguese to do with food: meat, vegetables, fruit, herbs and shell-fish.
Interactive web-based gap-fill cloze exercise in the form of a recipe, testing the formal command form in Portguese, or imperative.
Interactive web-based gap-fill cloze exercise in the form of a recipe of one famous Portuguese dish, and testing food vocabulary.
Interactive web-based exercise in European and Brazilian Portuguese matching vitamins and minerals with the foods containing these nutrients
Interactive web-based exercise matching synonyms of words associated with stress-busting tranquillity, relaxation and peace.
Interactive web-based exercise in European and Brazilian Portuguese which matches nouns associated with the causes of stress in conemporary society with their corresponding verbs.
Interactive web-based exercise matching synonyms and individual vocabulary items associated with the causes of stress in today's society.
Quizzes on different gropus of vocabulary, such as clothes, transport, body parts etc. Good revsion of basic words.
A list of different words in Spanish that can be easily misunderstood by the English speaker.
A great website which covers a variety of topics. Choose a level from the left handside of the site, pick a topic and the vocabulary and pronunciation is at the bottom of the page.
a list of words which differ in meaning depending on whether they are singular or plural. Corrigé is on page 2.
Une série d'exercices de compréhension de texte au sujet d'un sondage réalisé auprès du public français quant à leur santé.
A worksheet to test your vocabulary and prepare you for visiting a doctor in Japan