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Interactive classroom Naughts and Crosses in French with subject pronouns.
An online activity for Italian which involves listening to a song sung by Andrea Bocelli.
An online activity on the topic of 'daily routine' - for Italian.
An interactive web-based cloze exercise in Hot Potatoes format testing the student's knowledge of the formal imperative or command form in Portuguese, conjugated in exactly the same way as the present subjunctive tense. This is embedded in a series of sentences giving advice on how to get on in the world of employment. This web page can be used for an independent learning activity: once they have mastered this particular grammar point, the students complete the sentences below by converting the infinitive form in brackets to the formal imperative.
An cloze exercise in Word format testing the student's knowledge of the formal imperative or command form in Portuguese, conjugated in exactly the same way as the present subjunctive tense. This is embedded in a series of sentences giving advice on how to get on in the world of employment. This document can be adapted for a class-based activity: once they have mastered this particular grammar point, the students complete the sentences below by converting the infinitive form in brackets to the formal imperative.
Interactive web-based cloze exercise in Portuguese which comines a brief account of the benefits of the Internet with practice of the personal or inflected infinitive.
Interactive web-based cloze exercise in Portuguese which combines a brief account of the changing status of women in employment with practice of the perfect continuous tense (the auxiliary verb ter in the present tense plus the past participle).
Language exercise which combines practice in the past preterite, or perfect tense in Portguese, with an account of the events leading up to the Revolução dos Cravos on the eve of April 25, 1974, when the Estado Novo was finally overthrown.
Vocabulary exercise which matches verbs in Portuguese with their corresponding nouns.
Interactive web-based gap-fill cloze exercise testing the knowlege of the past participle and the passive voice used with ser and estar in Portuguese, accompanied by a text describing the discovery of a gallery of Paleolithic art in the Vale do Rio Côa i
Interactive web-based exercise in European and Brazilian Portuguese which matches nouns associated with the causes of stress in conemporary society with their corresponding verbs.