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Advanced Spanish two part lesson plan, speaking, questionnaire, listening and writing
I gave this presentation to an MA class at the University of Southampton. It details the early findings of the XML project (HEA funded) which looked at digital literacy in modern languages.
This calendar, for the month of November 2013, in Spanish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the eleventh of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar was produced by LLAS Centre for languages, linguistics and area studies as part of the Routes into Languages project. Each month features a different language and includes a proverb. This will be a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. Printed copies of the calendar can be ordered from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
Speak! is a 15-minute film with 14 follow up episodes featuring pupils who dropped languages after GCSE but now have the chance to win a summer work placement abroad. The short episodes can be shown during lessons or watched at home and each one has additional resources including lesson plans, vocabulary and ideas devised by teachers.
This booklet contains detailed case studies of six West Midlands schools who were awarded funding to pilot projects combining sports and languages in the curriculum. The schools involved have worked hard to turn their plans into reality and to raise the profile of languages by encouraging pupils to use languages in new contexts, giving them a new purpose and meaning. Their commitment and dedication has resulted in creative and interesting projects which have produced amazing results they are keen to share. The schools have provided information on the reasons for developing their projects, how they went about it and the amazing outcomes. Each school has been able to imbed their Active Languages project into the curriculum with plans to develop further and include other subjects in coming years. If you are looking for new ways to motivate learners, we hope you will find inspiration, resources and support to get started in this booklet. You can download the pdf here or contact us at routes@aston.ac.uk to request hard copies.
Working with colleagues at The Sixth Form College, Solihull and Foreign Language Assistants based in the West Midlands we have produced these recordings related to the A-level curriculum. The recordings are natural unscripted dialogues between natives and are transcribed. The FLAs also produced gap fill activities and question exercises to accompany the recordings.
Thinking of holding a language event at school but don’t know where to start? We have created "How to..." guides from our most popular events to help you replicate them back in school. Each guide contains a full description of how to run the event including essential considerations, some sample programmes and task lists to give you an idea of what needs to be done and how to plan out the day. We also have some workshop ideas and resources which can be adapted for use with any language. You may find some the activities can be adapted to deliver during class time rather than as a formal event - please feel free to use these guides as you wish!
Thinking of holding a language event at school but don’t know where to start? We have created "How to..." guides from our most popular events to help you replicate them back in school. Each guide contains a full description of how to run the event including essential considerations, some sample programmes and task lists to give you an idea of what needs to be done and how to plan out the day. We also have some workshop ideas and resources which can be adapted for use with any language. You may find some the activities can be adapted to deliver during class time rather than as a formal event - please feel free to use these guides as you wish!
Thinking of holding a language event at school but don’t know where to start? We have created "How to..." guides from our most popular events to help you replicate them back in school. Each guide contains a full description of how to run the event including essential considerations, some sample programmes and task lists to give you an idea of what needs to be done and how to plan out the day. We also have some workshop ideas and resources which can be adapted for use with any language. You may find some the activities can be adapted to deliver during class time rather than as a formal event - please feel free to use these guides as you wish!
Thinking of holding a language event at school but don’t know where to start? We have created "How to..." guides from our most popular events to help you replicate them back in school. Each guide contains a full description of how to run the event including essential considerations, some sample programmes and task lists to give you an idea of what needs to be done and how to plan out the day. We also have some workshop ideas and resources which can be adapted for use with any language. You may find some the activities can be adapted to deliver during class time rather than as a formal event - please feel free to use these guides as you wish!
We will share the TEACHERS' BOOK with the answer keys for all the exercises, all the transcriptions and some audio tracks, *FREE OF CHARGE* to all teachers currently using or would like to adopt the texbook, here in Language Box, from the end of August 2012. Watch this space! Many thanks for taking the time to read this. The authors
PP containing basic business Spanish vocabulary, tips on business etiquette and three videos about the emerging economies in South America.
PP with general questions about the Spanish language and information about well-known people and places in the Spanish-speaking world.
This resource is a series of 6 modules designed to support students making the transition from A-level to degree level studies. Topics covered include Dictionary Skills, Analytical Reading and Writing an Academic Text. Each module is available in Spanish*, French, German and English. English language versions are also available with a voiceover recorded by undergraduates to help guide students through the resources. (*Modules 3 and 5 in Spanish coming soon). Students should first access the English language versions which provide an overview before moving to the foreign language versions for specific activities related to each language. With thanks to Angela Morris, Elisabeth Wielander, Céline Benoit and Jordina Sala-Branchadell who designed and collated the resources. Thanks also goes to our students Philippa Seymour, Fatemah Ackbar Sayed and Rachna Shah who recorded the voiceovers.
This resource is a series of 6 modules designed to support students making the transition from A-level to degree level studies. Topics covered include Dictionary Skills, Analytical Reading and Writing an Academic Text. Each module is available in Spanish, French, German and English. English language versions are also available with a voiceover recorded by undergraduates to help guide students through the resources. Students should first access the English language versions which provide an overview before moving to the foreign language versions for specific activities related to each language. With thanks to Angela Morris, Elisabeth Wielander, Céline Benoit and Jordina Sala-Branchadell who designed and collated the resources. Thanks also goes to our students Philippa Seymour, Fatemah Ackbar Sayed and Rachna Shah who recorded the voiceovers.
This documents contains formal and informal imperatives together with some useful verbs to take a physical examination and a practical exercise.
A compilation of 21 cartoons about the economic crisis by El Roto, the popular cartoonist of the Spanish newspaper El Pais. An excellent resource to cover this topic with advanced students. The FAVOR project.
Activities to analyse the verb changes in indirect speech and to practise using the Mafalda comic. The FAVOR project.
Activities to introduce the life and work of the Mexican painters Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. For intermediate students of Spanish. (The FAVOR project)
Role-play to practise how to invite someone to do something with you and to make arrangements. (The FAVOR project)
Four activities to practise the conjugation and use of the future tense in Spanish. (The FAVOR project)
One reading comprehension and one writing activity to practise the use of the preterite in Spanish. The topic of the activities is Pedro Almodovar. For intermediate students. (The FAVOR project)
Three activities to introduce the main uses of SER and ESTAR to beginners (using only the present tense). (The FAVOR project)
Introduction to future tense, exercises and answers to exercises
Activities to work with Un Viejo que Leia Novelas de Amor (1989) by Luis Sepulveda. Intermediate-Advanced Students of Spanish. (The FAVOR Project)
This calendar, for the month of April 2012, in Spanish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the eighth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
Bingo Cards to revise or introduce vocabulary related to numbers, food, fruit and clothes. For beginners. (The FAVOR Project)
Three oral activities to practise the conjugation and use of the present tense in Spanish. They deal with the formation of regular, irregular, reflexive and stem-changing verbs. (The FAVOR Project)
These images were taken in October, 2011 and show Gaudi's designs in a park in Barcelona.
These images were taken in October, 2011. The Sagrada Familia is due to be completed in 2025/30.
This calendar was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Each month features a different language and includes a proverb and quiz questions. Quiz questions and answers are included in a separate word document. This will be a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. We are currently in production of our 2013 calendar, pre-order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
This resource is the product of a European-funded project which explored strategies for supporting independent language learning among adult learners in the community. It offers a range of short case studies and a series of recommendations and practical suggestions on how to promote language learning in the community. Find out more about the project and download the handbook in other languages at www.opendoor2languages,eu
Revise the prepositions by matching up the english and spanish
Here's a crossword incorporating material, size, design and shape vocabulary
Exercises from unit 13 including body parts, how you feel, symptoms, illnesses and medecine.
Here is a gap fill to help practise the weather and tenses.
This is a matching exercise for revising words which indicate which past tense to use.
Fill in the crossword with the correct preterite of these words. 2 of them are inperfect but these are noted on the clues.
Fill in the gaps with the correct direct & indirect object pronouns.
Some exercises focussing on tenses, indirect/direct object pronouns, and vocabulary
An open-ended collection of online resources for students and teachers of Spanish, covering a variety of levels and types of activity.
This is a website with links to other sites with videos to help beginner and intermediate learners espaecially, from greetings to ordering food.
This is a reading guide and exercises sheet to support Spanish language learners in their reading of Elvira Lindo's "Manolito Gafotas". It includes methodological suggestions for the creation of an online reading group and a wiki. It can be supported with
A good source to practice several points of spanish grammar, from the BBC.
This page gives exercises and tests to paractise all grammar points, it's particularly good for revision.
This is a video on how to pronounce all of the alphabet, however beware that parts of it seem to be more Latin American Spanish e.g. pronunciation of "c".
This site gives a few exercises to help with pronouncing Spanish words, it also lets you hear the words spoken as well.
This is a simple website which shows you how to conjugate verbs into the preterite and where is it used.
this is a good basic website which explains how to pronunciate the letters of the alphabet and there are also sound clips so you can hear them.
listen to the spoken number and tap in the number she has said. If you get it wrong she will repeat until you get it correct.
listen to the video and fill in the gaps to what he says. Various topics to choose from
A great website which covers a variety of topics. Choose a level from the left handside of the site, pick a topic and the vocabulary and pronunciation is at the bottom of the page.
Rosa y Nino (su marido) nos hablan de sus respectivos trabajos en Chile y nos muestran el terreno en la Isla de Maipo donde construirán la casa de sus sueños. Rosa nos explica también por qué decidió quedarse a vivir en Chile y qué le atrae de ese
Monologue at natural speed by a young native speaker of Spanish introducing himself and talking about his family.