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I gave this presentation to an MA class at the University of Southampton. It details the early findings of the XML project (HEA funded) which looked at digital literacy in modern languages.
I gave this presentation at WorldCALL 2013, in Glasgow, on 12th July 2013. It describes the FAVOR project and how the model can be replicated by others to offer low-cost staff development.
This presentation was given in Tomsk, Russia, at the Tomsk Polytechnic University Forum meeting, 21-22 May 2013. I talked about how we deliver online learning and training at Modern Languages in Southampton and then briefly introduced open educational practice and social media in research and teaching.
This set of resources are intended to be used in conjunction with the website www.realie.org which has been set up by and for students to support them in getting the most out of periods of residence abroad in terms of describing and extending their employability skills. There are two resources (with activities) for each year of study where students are engaged on a four year programme of study which includes one year of residence abroad. They were created as part of the HEA-funded REALIE project. It also includes a questionnaire designed for and by undergraduate students to collect feedback on the employability value of the year abroad.
I gave this presentation as part of Open Education Week, on March 15th, 2013. The session was co-hosted by Anna Comas-Quinn, at the Open University. I've included my notes on each slide for further information.
This calendar, for the month of december 2013, in Polish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the twelfth of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of November 2013, in Spanish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the eleventh of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of october 2013, in Ukrainian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the tenth of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of September 2013, in Irish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the ninth of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of August 2013, in Danish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the eighth of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of July 2013, in Arabic, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the seventh of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of June 2013, in French, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the sixth of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of May 2013, in Tigrinya, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the fifth of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of April 2013, in Chinese, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the fourth of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of March 2013, in Serbian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the third of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of February 2013, in German, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the second of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of January 2013, in Italian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for another language next month! This is the first of a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. A printed 'Why study language?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is £5 for 1 and £10 for 3.
This calendar was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. Look out for a new language each month! A printed 'Why study languages?' calendar for 2013 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
This calendar, for the month of December 2012, in German, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the final month of a 16-month series. We have produced a 2013 calendar, order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
Seven words beginning with the letter 'c' that reflect the benefits and importance of language learning.
This calendar was produced by LLAS Centre for languages, linguistics and area studies as part of the Routes into Languages project. Each month features a different language and includes a proverb. This will be a 12-month series lasting until Dec 2013. Printed copies of the calendar can be ordered from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar.
Project participants from Newcastle University talk about their experience in a video. A written final report is also attached.
This material is recommended for students in transition from university (where they studied for a degree in modern languages) to the world of job seekers. It gives ideas about potential career paths and especially the skills gained beyond language skills while studying for a degree in modern languages. It can be used by language teachers advising their students but also by the students independently or by personal tutors. When discussing this material with regards to a particular language, it takes roughly 60 minutes to work through it with a small group of students.
I gave this presentation at the 'Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education conference 2012,' a biennial LLAS event. It was held in Edinburgh, 5/6th July 2012. This presentation describes the work of the JISC-funded FAVOR project which is working with part-time, hourly-paid language tutors to engage with open practice.
This calendar, for the month of September 2012, in Malay, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the thirteenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of August 2012, in Estonian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the twelfth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of July 2012, in Punjabi, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the eleventh of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of June 2012, in French, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the tenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of May 2012, in Persian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the ninth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of April 2012, in Spanish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the eighth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of March 2012, in Urdu, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the seventh of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of February 2012, in Gaelic, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the sixth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of January 2012, in Icelandic, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fifth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with £3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of December 2011, in Polish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fourth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 P+P.
This calendar was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Each month features a different language and includes a proverb and quiz questions. Quiz questions and answers are included in a separate word document. This will be a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. We are currently in production of our 2013 calendar, pre-order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
This collection contains some teaching ideas described by teachers of a range of community languages. They were developed as part of the Community Café Project funded by JISC and led by the University of Southampton UK. Read more about the project on the
This resource is the product of a European-funded project which explored strategies for supporting independent language learning among adult learners in the community. It offers a range of short case studies and a series of recommendations and practical suggestions on how to promote language learning in the community. Find out more about the project and download the handbook in other languages at www.opendoor2languages,eu
This handout is part of the Community Cafe workshop pack. It gives advice on how to change the language in Windows and how to find example keyboard layouts to help you to type in other languages.
These materials form workshop five of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of putting your resources online. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session five of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of putting a group of resources together. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop four of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of creating a Hot Potatoes quiz. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop three of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of using powerpoint. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session three of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of presenting new language. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop two of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of creating a podcast. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session two of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of planning and presenting a topic. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop one of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of using technologies. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form module one of the Community Cafe workshop pack. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
A set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
An article taken from the LLAS magazine (Liaison Issue 3 2009) describing a podcasting model developed by Rose Clark and John Wrigglesworth at University of Portsmouth
The final report and evaluation of the Community Café project led by LLAS at the University of Southampton with funding from JISC
This collection contains examples of podcasts for language learning and some of the ways that they can be incorporated into teaching.
Presentation given by Kate Borthwick (LLAS) at Cilt, on 01 June 2009.
Presentation introducing tools and resources for creating and sharing e-learning resources