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This calendar, for the month of December 2012, in German, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the final month of a 16-month series. We have produced a 2013 calendar, order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
This calendar, for the month of November 2012, in Welsh, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fifteenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. We are currently in production of our 2013 calendar, pre-order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
This calendar, for the month of October 2012, in Hungarian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fourteenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of September 2012, in Malay, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the thirteenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of August 2012, in Estonian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the twelfth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of July 2012, in Punjabi, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the eleventh of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of June 2012, in French, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the tenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of May 2012, in Persian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the ninth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of April 2012, in Spanish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the eighth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of March 2012, in Urdu, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the seventh of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of February 2012, in Gaelic, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the sixth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of January 2012, in Icelandic, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fifth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with £3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of December 2011, in Polish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fourth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 P+P.
This calendar, for the month of November 2011, in Gujarati, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the third of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012.
This calendar was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Each month features a different language and includes a proverb and quiz questions. Quiz questions and answers are included in a separate word document. This will be a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. We are currently in production of our 2013 calendar, pre-order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
This calendar, for the month of October 2011, in Bengali, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the second of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012.
This calendar, for the month of September 2011, in Mandarin Chinese was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the first of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012.
This handout is part of the Community Cafe workshop pack. It gives advice on how to change the language in Windows and how to find example keyboard layouts to help you to type in other languages.
These materials form workshop five of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of putting your resources online. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session five of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of putting a group of resources together. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop four of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of creating a Hot Potatoes quiz. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session four of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of games and quizzes. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop three of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of using powerpoint. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session three of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of presenting new language. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop two of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of creating a podcast. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session two of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of planning and presenting a topic. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop one of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of using technologies. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form module one of the Community Cafe workshop pack. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
A set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
An article taken from the LLAS magazine (Liaison Issue 3 2009) describing a podcasting model developed by Rose Clark and John Wrigglesworth at University of Portsmouth
These files were all created for the Community Cafe project, and they illustrate some ways in which powerpoint can be used for teaching students in the classroom.
A collection of worksheets and ideas for classroom activities for young language learners. This collection forms part of the Community Café workshop pack. The resources are mainly in English but can be adapted for any language.
This resource includes a dice template which can be printed and cut out for use in language classes. It incorporates 6 common topics for language learning: family and friends, food, festivals, holidays, sports and school. It also includes some ideas for using the dice in class. All instructions and stimulus questions are written in English but it can be used for any language. The dice has been created to stimulate vocabulary learning and discussion in language classes. It is intended to provide teachers with a resource which will engage and motivate young learners (8 – 14 year olds) who are at the beginners/pre-intermediate stages of language learning.
This collection contains examples of Hot Potatoes exercises created for language learning using the quiz, crossword and matching tools
These instructions were produced as part of a workshop on podcasting given by the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. They are part of the workshop pack created under the project.
This sheet gives some tips for using Powerpoint for language teaching. It is part of the workshop pack created under the JISC-funded Community Cafe project.
This guide gives advice on how to find copyright-friendly images from the internet, and how to re-use them without infringing copyright. It was produced as part of the JISC-funded Community Cafe project workshop pack.
This is a guide to creating an account on LanguageBox and uploading your first resource. It is part of the workshop pack created under the JISC-funded Community Cafe project.
This guide was produced as part of the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. It describes how to download the freeware 'Hot Potatoes' and create a basic, interactive quiz, and a gapfill exercise with it. Hot Potatoes creates simple online, interactive exercises. There is a planning sheet to go with it, to help you plan your gapfill activity on paper.
This guide was produced as part of the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. It describes how to download the freeware 'Hot Potatoes' and create a basic, interactive matching exercise with it. Hot Potatoes creates simple online, interactive exercises. There is a planning sheet to go with it, to help you plan your activity on paper.
This collection contains examples of podcasts for language learning and some of the ways that they can be incorporated into teaching.
This worksheet enables students to practice talking about daily routine. Students must read a pictorial diary and then make true/false sentences about the activities in the diary.
This is a song to use to practice talking about family members. It is for use with beginner students. It can be repurposed for any language.
This is a game to practice vocabulary for food and drink. It involves teams of students making sentences about food and competing to finish first. This handout can be printed and copied to use in class. The idea is repurposable and the same game could be created for any vocabulary you wish to focus on.
This worksheet is an information gap activity which requires students to play the part of celebrity and journalist (in this example, Rafa Nadal and Katy Perry) to ask questions and talk about their daily routine. The worksheet could be repurposed to show any celebrity and for any kinds activity and language.
This handout is a compendium of ideas for games and kinaesthetic Activities for Primary Languages teachers. There are lots of excellent ideas here.
These flashcards can be used to practice vocabulary for sports and music.
This is a reusable worksheet which practises talking about sports, at a basic level. It is in French, but can be adapted for any language. Activities featured are: jumbled-up sentences and images which provide impetus for writing sentences.
This worksheet can be used with any musical tune or rhythm, to get beginner-level, or young students to practice vocabulary for different sports. It can be adapted to show any sport required, and it can be translated easily into other languages.
Polskie stroje folklorystyczne sa stara i piekna tradycja, ktora staramy sie promowac wsrod dzieci w polskich szkolach/uczyc ich tanca "Krakowiaka"dzieci tancza w tych strojach.
This resource is based on the game 'dominoes'. The teacher should cut out the dominoes and get students to make sentences using them.
This document gives a list of useful links for language teachers with school-age students. It includes websites which offer resources and also file-sharing and file-creation sites. The information included in it was part of a session run by the Community Cafe project www.llas.ac.uk/communitycafe
PPT of methodolgy session run by Liz Lord & Jackie Berry with Community Language tutors in Southampton 22.2.2011. This was created for the Community Cafe project. It gives a range of advice and guidance for teaching languages in the classroom.
Story and comprehension exercises on weather. The story has been translated into Urdu from "the wind and the sun" story which I saw on children's programme. It is not the exact translation but my own version.
In June, on our last school trip of the year, we travel to lake Balaton, the „Hungarian sea”. This exercise is composed of this hypertext exercise sheet, 2 podcasts and 5 hot potato quizzes.
In May we are going on a boat trip on the Danube from Budapest to Visegrád. The castle on the mountain offers a breathtaking vista of the Danube bend. This exercise is composed of this hypertext exercise sheet, 4 podcasts and 6 hot potato quizzes.
In April we travel to the small traditional village of Hollókő, to see the Easter festival. This exercise is composed of 1 podcast and 6 hot potato quizzes.
In March we travel to Pákozd, the scene of the first victorious battle in the 1848 Hungarian Revolution. This exercise is composed of 2 podcasts, and 4 hot potato quizzes.
In February we travel to Mohács, where we take part in the traditional fancy dress carnival, the Busójárás. This exercise is composed of this hypertext exercise sheet, 1 podcast and 5 hot potato quizzes.
Our fifth school trip takes us to the famous caverns of Aggtelek, with their many stalactites and stalagmites. This exercise is composed of this hypertext exercise sheet, 1 podcast, and 5 hot potato quizzes of graded difficulty.
In December, on our fourth school trip we visit the famous Children's Railway in Budapest, that operates a Santa train on the first weekend of December. This exercise is composed of this hypertext exercise sheet, 2 podcasts and 4 hot potato quizzes.
This is the second of our monthly school trips. In October we travel to the famous wine region Tokaj, to discover fun facts about the grape harvest. This exercise is composed of this hypertext exercise sheet, 3 podcasts, and 4 hot potato quizzes.
Theme Weather in Urdu consists of a story on Urdu, comprehension exercises and some vocabulary building exercises on weather.
This is the third of our monthly school trips. In November we travel to a famous Hungarian fortress-town, Eger. This exercise is composed of this hypertext exercise sheet,2 podcasts, one animated powerpoint, one short story, and 2 hot potato quizzes.
Welcome to the first of our monthly school trips. In September we will visit a famous part of Budapest, the capital of Hungary. This exercise is composed of this hypertext exercise sheet,2 podcasts, and 4 hot potato quizzes.
power point slides of different coloured objects. The name of the colours and objects are written in phonetic and meaning in English.The second half of the powerpoint is interactive and the teachers can test the students by asking "what is this?"
Created by Frances Xu, this is an interactive online activity which practices vocabulary for describing taste in Chinese. There are two different versions: drag and drop and drop down list. PLEASE NOTE: foreign characters work when file is viewed
Information about Urdu language. Urdu alphabets, Urdu letters, Urdu vowels, Urdu language rules, Language rules.
This is a fill in the blank exercise to teach the names of fruits. The picture of the fruit is given under the blank. Beginners will tell the name of the fruits. A higher level students will write the name of the fruit in Bengali.
Odczytanie dla dzieci opowiadania "Zyto i chleb" Czeslawa Janczarskiego, nastepnie tlumaczenie w jaki sposob powstaje chleb,od zasiewu do kupna w sklepie.
Zaznajomienie dzieci o zwyczaju witania gosci chlebem na roznych uroczystosciach,malowanie i ukladanie historyjki obrazkowej "od ziarenka do bochenka", czytanie historii o Ani i Misiu Uszatku-rozmawianie o kolejnosci pieczenia chleba.Nauka piosenki "Malo
Opowiadanie to przedstawia historie chleba, od zasiania ziarenek w pole do pojscia do sklepu i przyniesienia swiezego, pachnacego chleba. Dzieci koloruja obrazki rozlozone w przypadkowej kolejnosci z opowiadania Chleb i zyto i ukladaja je w odpowiedniej
Na lekcji rozmawiamy o zbiorach plonow, uczymy sie o tradycji robienia wiencow.Do lekcji uzywamy kredek, farb, wyklejanki, zdjecia i ksiazki. Czytamy wiersze Czeslawa Janczarskiego i uczymy sie wiersza "Zyto i chleb"
A lesson about Chopin, involving listening to his music, reading a book, drawing pictures and talking about his life.
I gave this presentation at the conference 'Languages for the 21st century: training, impact and influence' which was held at the University of Sheffield, 1-2 September, 2010. The presentation introduced the JISC funded Community Cafe project and talked a
Power point presentation with description of teaching method to teach names of vegetables in Bengali. The Bengali characters will display if you have Bengali installed upon your computer/set the language correctly.
These photos were taken of a traditional Polish costume: the front and back views. This outfit would be worn by a child.