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I gave this presentation to an MA class at the University of Southampton. It details the early findings of the XML project (HEA funded) which looked at digital literacy in modern languages.
I gave this presentation at WorldCALL 2013, in Glasgow, on 12th July 2013. It describes the FAVOR project and how the model can be replicated by others to offer low-cost staff development.
This presentation was given in Tomsk, Russia, at the Tomsk Polytechnic University Forum meeting, 21-22 May 2013. I talked about how we deliver online learning and training at Modern Languages in Southampton and then briefly introduced open educational practice and social media in research and teaching.
I gave this presentation as part of Open Education Week, on March 15th, 2013. The session was co-hosted by Anna Comas-Quinn, at the Open University. I've included my notes on each slide for further information.
This presentation was given by Bianca Belgiorno-Appleyard at an HEA OER workshop on 7th November, 2012, at the University of Southampton. In it, she describes her experiences as an Italian tutor, working on the JISC-funded FAVOR project. This project aimed to explore how open practice impacts on the lives of part-time tutors.
This calendar, for the month of December 2012, in German, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the final month of a 16-month series. We have produced a 2013 calendar, order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
This calendar, for the month of November 2012, in Welsh, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fifteenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. We are currently in production of our 2013 calendar, pre-order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
This video report was given by Julie Watson, from the University of Southampton, in September 2012. It describes the experiences and findings of Southampton tutors who took part in the project.
This video report was given by Sarah Hayes, from Aston University, in September 2012. It describes the experiences and findings of Aston tutors who took part in the project.
This collection brings together all of the final reports made for the FAVOR project. It comprises the final report produced for JISC, plus reports (video and text) made by each individual project partner.
This calendar, for the month of October 2012, in Hungarian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fourteenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This presentation was given by Julie Watson at a FAVOR project meeting held on 20th September, 2012. It summed up the experience of Southampton University tutors on the FAVOR project.
This collects together presentations and guidance material which I created for the FAVOR project (JISC) or which has been used in project meetings - including a presentation on the experiences of Southampton tutors.
This is an online activity to practice the passive in German.
I gave this presentation at the 'Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education conference 2012,' a biennial LLAS event. It was held in Edinburgh, 5/6th July 2012. This presentation describes the work of the JISC-funded FAVOR project which is working with part-time, hourly-paid language tutors to engage with open practice.
This calendar, for the month of September 2012, in Malay, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the thirteenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of August 2012, in Estonian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the twelfth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of July 2012, in Punjabi, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the eleventh of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
I gave this presentation at 'OERs and Languages' an HEA/OER seminar held at UCLAN, on 1st June, 2012. I talked about how LLAS community OER projects have led to an understanding of how engaging with open practice can lead to professional development in explicit ways (through impact of work on an external audience) and more subtle ways (through reflection, collaboration and review). Download ppt file to edit and reuse.
This calendar, for the month of June 2012, in French, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the tenth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of May 2012, in Persian, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the ninth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This powerpoint presentation was created to help project partners to articulate the FAVOR project aims and to recruit part-time/hourly-paid tutors to join the project. It outlines the benefits of engaging in open practice and gives examples of possible outputs which could be created and shared as part of the project.
This calendar, for the month of April 2012, in Spanish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the eighth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
I used this powerpoint at Newcastle University, to give some language tutors some top tips on how to publish their work effectively on LanguageBox.
This calendar, for the month of March 2012, in Urdu, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the seventh of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
These images were taken in October, 2011 and show Gaudi's designs in a park in Barcelona.
These images were taken in October, 2011. The Sagrada Familia is due to be completed in 2025/30.
These images of an indoor market in Barcelona were taken in October 2011.
This is a guide to creating an account on LanguageBox and uploading your first resource.
This calendar, for the month of February 2012, in Gaelic, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the sixth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of January 2012, in Icelandic, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fifth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with £3.50 p+p.
This calendar, for the month of December 2011, in Polish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fourth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar. It is FREE, with 3.50 P+P.
This calendar, for the month of November 2011, in Gujarati, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the third of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012.
This calendar was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Each month features a different language and includes a proverb and quiz questions. Quiz questions and answers are included in a separate word document. This will be a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. We are currently in production of our 2013 calendar, pre-order your copy at: https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/calendar
This calendar, for the month of October 2011, in Bengali, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the second of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012.
This calendar, for the month of September 2011, in Mandarin Chinese was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the first of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012.
This handout is part of the Community Cafe workshop pack. It gives advice on how to change the language in Windows and how to find example keyboard layouts to help you to type in other languages.
These materials form workshop five of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of putting your resources online. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session five of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of putting a group of resources together. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop four of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of creating a Hot Potatoes quiz. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session four of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of games and quizzes. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop three of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of using powerpoint. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session three of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of presenting new language. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop two of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of creating a podcast. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form cafe session two of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of planning and presenting a topic. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form workshop one of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of using technologies. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
These materials form module one of the Community Cafe workshop pack. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
A set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository.
The final report and evaluation of the Community Café project led by LLAS at the University of Southampton with funding from JISC
These files were all created for the Community Cafe project, and they illustrate some ways in which powerpoint can be used for teaching students in the classroom.
This guide gives advice on how to find copyright-friendly images from the internet, and how to re-use them without infringing copyright. It was produced as part of the JISC-funded Community Cafe project workshop pack.
This is a guide to creating an account on LanguageBox and uploading your first resource. It is part of the workshop pack created under the JISC-funded Community Cafe project.
This guide was produced as part of the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. It describes how to download the freeware 'Hot Potatoes' and create a basic, interactive quiz, and a gapfill exercise with it. Hot Potatoes creates simple online, interactive exercises. There is a planning sheet to go with it, to help you plan your gapfill activity on paper.
This guide was produced as part of the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. It describes how to download the freeware 'Hot Potatoes' and create a basic, interactive matching exercise with it. Hot Potatoes creates simple online, interactive exercises. There is a planning sheet to go with it, to help you plan your activity on paper.
The items in this collection relate to a training session delivered by Jackie Berry and Liz Lord, primary languages consultants. The session was given for the Community Cafe project. Materials consist of a powerpoint file and useful handouts and worksheets to use in class. All material can be repurposed for use with any language being taught.
I gave this presentation at the conference 'Languages for the 21st century: training, impact and influence' which was held at the University of Sheffield, 1-2 September, 2010. The presentation introduced the JISC funded Community Cafe project and talked a
These photos were taken of a traditional Polish costume: the front and back views. This outfit would be worn by a child.
This learning object is in German, and considers how the internet can be used to practise speaking in German.
This collection brings together my favourite resources from HumBox. They are random in nature and content.
A video about explaining what twitter is and how it is used. It is a link to a video held on YouTube.
Presentation given by Kate Borthwick (LLAS) at Cilt, on 01 June 2009.
A brief guide to copyright for users of the Language Box, written by the project team. None of the team are lawyers and so it does not constitute legal advice!
A variety of interesting resources to use to supplement teaching Spanish across a range of first year modules.
The Poetry Foundation website features an article and user comments on using Wendy Cope's poetry and how she enforces her copyright strongly. It discusses the issues around using Cope's and other's poetry in your own work.
I pointed students towards this resource to help them understand how they could use wikis in their collaborative work.Use this link to see the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dnL00TdmLY
This web page has activities related to identifying features of introductions in academic lectures
This link takes you to a video giving general advice on interview skills. http://content.monster.co.uk/15193_en-GB_p1.asp