Spanish word of the month

The word for January 2000 is: Love (el amor)


Some useful words and expressions conected with love

English Spanish
I love you Te amo.

I really love the way you speak
I really love the Spanish people

Me encanta como hablas
Me encantan los españoles
It was love at first sight fue amor a primera vista
one good turn deserves another amor con amor se paga
love potion filtro de amor
To fall in love with someone.
I fell madly in love with him
enamorarse de alguien
me enamoré ciegamente de él
a lover un amante
lovesick enfermo de amor
love life vida amorosa
unrequited love amor no correspondido
he falls in love very easily es muy enamoradizo
Saint Valentine’s Day el día de los enamorados
it was just a passing infatuation
no fue más que un enamoramiento pasajero
cupboard love cariño interesado
(dale) recuerdos a tus padres (de mi parte) give my love to your parents
puppy love amor adolescente
Note: At the end of a letter we often put "love" in English. This is how to do it in Spanish.
love John un abrazo, John
lots of love, John un apretado abrazo, John;
all my love, John con todo mi cariño, John

Last month's word was "hope" click here to see it

See next the word for next month "quedar"

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