Libro digital Herramientas de español
Spanish Tools
Online Grammar Book

A concise outline of essential grammar structures based on
John Turner's All the Spanish Grammar You Really Need to Know


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Spanish Tools Grammar Online Book
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
May, 2008.

Creative Commons License

You may use this package free of charge for educational, non-commercial purposes, either privately or in an educational institution, but you are not authorized to modify it. You may redistribute the package as is, but you may not redistribute a version which is modified in any way. Please attribute any copies or links to Enrique Yepes.

NO WARRANTY: Because Spanish Tools is available free of charge, there is no warranty for the package, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

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El libro digital "Herramientas de español"
está registrado con licencia
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States
de mayo de 2008.

Creative Commons License

Usted puede emplear este módulo sin costo para fines educativos y no comerciales, de forma privada o a través de una institución educativa, pero no tiene autorización para modificarlo. Puede distribuir el módulo tal como está, pero no modificado de ninguna manera. Se solicita atribuir las copias o enlaces a Enrique Yepes.

NO HAY GARANTÍA: Ya que "Herramientas de Español" está disponible sin costo, no hay garantía sobre el módulo, hasta donde permita la ley.