Uvod v pomen pojma občutljivosti v arhitekturnem in oblikovalskem kontekstu
Izraz občutljivost v splošnem nosi različne pomene in nastopa v različnih besednih zvezah ter se uporablja v različnih situacijah, vendar v arhitekturnem in oblikovalskem kontekstu dobi prav poseben pomen z značilnim spektrom konotacij.
Skozi aktivnosti, ki so pred vami, boste spoznali pomene in konotacije občutljivosti z vidika arhitekture in oblikovanja v angleščini. Prav tako boste z istim namenom spoznali sorodne pojme in njihov pomen v slovenščini.
Aktivnost 1: Konotacije pojma občutljivosti v angleščini
V tej aktivnosti boste zasledovali različne vidike pojma občutljivosti kot jih uporabljamo v arhitekturi in oblikovanju.
Preberite teh pet kratkih sestavkov, ki govorijo o različnih vidikih občutljivosti v arhitekturnih in oblikovalskih kontekstih. Dokončajte povedi z izborom ustrezne besede iz spustnega seznama. Nato preberite povratno informacijo, ki predstavi in obrazloži pravilni odgovor.
1. The elegant and
structure of Norman Foster's glass roof in the British Museum can be compared to an almost invisible, intricate, and yet, extraordinarily beautiful spider’s web.
The elegant and delicate structure of Norman Foster's glass roof in the British Museum can be compared to an almost invisible, intricate, and yet, extraordinarily beautiful spider's web.
The notion of delicateness is one aspect of fragility. Here it is associated with the design of a famous glass roof that is suggestive of another delicate but natural structure, a spider's web.
2. Glass as a construction material is often perceived to be an extremely fragile and
material but it can withstand a significant load, especially if it is reinforced correctly with additional materials.
Glass as a construction material is often perceived to be an extremely fragile and breakable material but it can withstand a significant load, especially if it is reinforced correctly with additional materials.
Breakableness or the notion of being breakable is another commonly associated aspect of fragility. As a construction material, glass is a useful example but one which can be surprisingly resilient.
3. Some urban spaces are
to sudden change such as the major addition of new elements, expansion programmes and buildings.
Some urban spaces are sensitive to sudden change such as the major addition of new elements, expansion programmes and buildings. Sensitivity is suggestive of fragility too. The sensitivity of some urban spaces to change reflects their fragility.
4. A
intervention in the urban landscape can, at the same time, radiate respect towards an existing urban setting but this in no way has to be mundane or predictable - the ideal solution is however, usually hard to find and a lot of thought and effort needs to be put into it.
A subtle intervention in the urban landscape can, at the same time, radiate respect towards an existing urban setting but this in no way has to be mundane or predictable - the ideal solution is however, usually hard to find and a lot of thought and effort needs to be put into it.
Subtlety is also connotative of fragility. A subtle intervention is a light and limited one.
5. Traditional historic centres contain buildings, forms and geometry which have settled down over centuries of use, and are mixed with contemporary transient structures, such as market stalls, temporary commercial operations and opportunistic vendors, all of which contribute to the life of the street. These images are quite
spaces, which can easily be disrupted through interventions that are not adapted to scale or to the corresponding social structures.
Traditional historic centres contain buildings, forms and geometry which have settled down over centuries of use, and are mixed with contemporary transient structures, such as market stalls, temporary commercial operations and opportunistic vendors, all of which contribute to the life of the street. These images are quite vulnerable spaces, which can easily be disrupted through interventions that are not adapted to scale or to the corresponding social structures.
The vulnerability of some spaces suggests that they are easily damaged or disturbed. This is another dimension of fragility.
Aktivnost 2: Pregled slovenskih izrazov, ki jih povezujemo s pojmom občutljivosti
V tej aktivnosti bomo pregledali konotacije slovenskih izrazov, ki jih povezujemo s pojmom občutljivosti, tako, da bomo najprej poiskali pare z njihovimi angleškimi sopomenkami. Nato pa bomo k slovenskim pojmom poiskali še njihove ustrezne pare pojasnil v slovenščini.
Preučite seznam slovenskih izrazov, ki odslikavajo različne razsežnosti občutljivosti in jim poiščite ustrezne angleške izraze in razlage. To storite tako, da z miško izberete slovenski izraz na levi in nato na enak način ustrezno angleško različico na desni. Na enak način poiščite tudi pare med slovenskimi izrazi in njihovimi slovenskimi razlagami. Nato preverite rešitve in poslušajte zvočne posnetke.
Poslušajte zvočni posnetek in bodite pozorni na izgovarjavo izrazov. Z glasno izgovarjavo poskušajte tudi sami, dokler je ne boste obvladali do te mere, da lahko izraze uporabite pri svojih predstavitvah in nastopih:
Poslušajte zvočni posnetek in bodite pozorni na izgovarjavo izrazov. Z glasno izgovarjavo poskušajte tudi sami, dokler je ne boste obvladali do te mere, da lahko izraze uporabite pri svojih predstavitvah in nastopih: