Introduction to Cybergogy

Cybergogy Discovery Deck

Cybergogy Discovery Deck

The Cybergogy of Learning Archetypes and Learning Domains is a model for planning and executing teaching and learning in the context of 3D immersive (3Di) worlds such as Second Life. It was developed by Lesley Scopes (aka Light Sequent in Second Life) in 2009. The model is continuing to evolve organically under a Social Constructivist Learning Theory.

In these activities you will be introduced to the concept of cybergogy and its elements. You will also explore the skills that need to be developed for each of the four learning domains of cybergogy..

Activity 1: What is cybergogy?

The model of cybergogy is quite a complex one. It comprises learning archetypes and learning domains.In this activity you are going to listen to an introductory presentation about cybergogy given by Lesley Scopes.



Watch this Second Life presentation by Lesley Scopes and look at the list of elements below. As you listen, select the check boxes next to any elements mentioned by the speaker. Make a few notes on any elements mentioned in the text area provided which help you understand their meanings. Then read the feedback.

You may wish to refer to a transcript of the recording to check your understanding further:
Transcript (pdf, 75KB). You may wish to print this document.

Activity 2: Identifying key skills in the learning domains of cybergogy

In this activity you are going to explore the different skills of the four learning domains of cybergogy.



Consider the four learning domains of cybergogy and identify the different skills that you think relate to each. Drag and drop the relevant skills into the correct box to complete the list of skills in each domain. Then read the feedback.

Here is a bibliography of some of the key literature in this area:

Bibliography for Cybergogy of Learning Archetypes and Learning Domains (pdf, 26KB). You may wish to print this document.


Scopes, L.J., (2011) "A Cybergogy of Learning Archetypes and Learning Domains: Practical pedagogy for 3D immersive virtual worlds" in Hinrichs & Wankel Transforming Virtual World Learning: Cutting-edge technologies in higher education,UK, Emerald, p3-28

© Archi21 Project Consortium: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais, Open University, University of Ljubljana, Aalborg Universitet, University of Southampton and eLanguages. Recording courtesy of Lesley Scopes.
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