Conca dei marini on the Amalfi coast
The Amalfi coast is famous for its beauty, history and traditions. One of its traditions is the production of hand made paper in Amalfi. It was one of the oldest and most flourishing industries of the Amalfitan people and still today represents a prosperous local business.
You are going to watch a short video clip about the production of hand made paper (called "Carta Bambagina") in Amalfi and do a comprehension exercise. In this video clip the lady interviewed has a southern accent so you will need to listen carefully as many times as you want pausing the video when you need to, especially if you are not familiar with this accent.
Guarda il video clip quante volte vuoi e rispondi alle domande.
If you want to read more in Italian about the hand made paper click on this link: La carta fatta a mano
© This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License . Please attribute Bianca Belgiorno when re-using. July 2012. Photo by Bianca Belgiorno.
Created using the LOC Tool, University of Southampton