Engaging language educators: OERs and staff development

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    Engaging language educators: OERs and staff development

    I gave this presentation at 'OERs and Languages' an HEA/OER seminar held at UCLAN, on 1st June, 2012. I talked about how LLAS community OER projects have led to an understanding of how engaging with open practice can lead to professional development in explicit ways (through impact of work on an external audience) and more subtle ways (through reflection, collaboration and review). Download ppt file to edit and reuse.

    Engaging language educators: OERs and staff development.

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    I gave this presentation at 'OERs and Languages' an HEA/OER seminar held at UCLAN, on 1st June, 2012. I talked about how LLAS community OER projects have led to an understanding of how engaging with open practice can lead to professional development in explicit ways (through impact of work on an external audience) and more subtle ways (through reflection, collaboration and review). Download ppt file to edit and reuse.

    Item Type: Resource
    Added: 06 Jun 2012 11:11
    Tags: favor, humbox, open educational resources, OERs, JISC, professional development
    Viewing permissions: World
    Course codes: UNSPECIFIED
    URI: http://languagebox.edshare.ac.uk/id/eprint/2777

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