Multiple-choice exercise
Choose the correct answer for each question.
Find the odd one out in the following sequence.
- Batata
- Cenoura
- Alface
- Nabo
- Inhame
Find the odd one out in the following sequence.
- Salsa
- Coentro
- Cravo
- Alecrim
- Louro
Find the odd one out in the following sequence.
- Cenoura
- Maça
- Banana
- Laranja
- Pera
Find the odd one out in the following sequence.
- Bife
- Porco
- Cabrito
- Truta
- Coelho
Find the od one out in the following sequence.
- Langosta
- Camarão
- Amêijoa
- Mexilhão
- Cavala
Find the odd one out in the following sequence.
- Espinafre
- Couve
- Abóbora
- Alface
- Grelos
Find the odd one out in the following sequence.
- Galinha
- Avestruz
- Cordeiro
- Peru
- Perdiz